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Melvins / Redd Kross 2019 PDX

Good morning. We haven’t kept up on our Posting in the last month or so and for that claim a degree of busitude. Bear with us.

Our recent efforts for the legendary Melvins and the equally legendary Redd Kross is now available in short supply. We will be making a spot for some Foil versions as well in the Shoppe, so check that out as well.

Glamour, glimmer and grindhouse glory all present in this one with subtle metallics and a sneaky background flare await you in this postcard kiss from the real Hollywood of imaginations.

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Well sorry about that fiasco. The second that we started to activate our posters in our store the traffic froze the whole thing up solid. We couldn’t make an email annoucement about posters that we couldn’t post, and barely managed to activate the two regular edition prints. Thankfully it made a pair and that is a weird blessing.

We don’t know how any customers actually managed to check out. We couldn’t get inside the site at all from the back end or the front end so thanks for everyone who bravely succeeded. And also thanks to all the people who wrote nasty notes and the ones who wrote really nice ones cuz there was both and we thank everyone for being passionate. Doug., the actual maestro of this whole experience, poised to post his posters just like ours wasn’t even able to post his before the experience overwhelmed his site too, so…tune into for an announcements and also a fresh batch of prints just waiting for your greasy hot dog juice fingers.

Clinton’s site is still down. SO kick back and stretch your sack and give it room to relax back into shape and between the three of us, grooves will form, dig? Dig.

But give him a break and let his site relax before you stomp it to death again.

SOrry for the heartbreak but DAMN what a messed up day and also a great day.


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SO anyway, you might have heard that we were involved in a little shenanigans recently where we teamed up with, or rather, were invited to team up with, the effervescent Clinton Reno for a pair of rock poster prints to celebrate and commiserate the My Morning Jacket shows at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado, United State of etc…

SO anyway, you might have heard that we were involved in a little shenanigans recently where we teamed up with, or rather, were invited to team up with, the effervescent Clinton Reno for a pair of rock poster prints to celebrate and commiserate the My Morning Jacket shows at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado, United State of etc…

In the standard way, as some of you might be accustomed to, we will have a few of these prints available for purchase in the coming days right here on our “website”, as the kids are calling them. Folks who are signed up for our “Mailing List” will be “Notified” of this “Far Out Happening” and enticed to dig the related scene such as it is and ever shall be, Hail the Sphere.

We DON’T usually give a date ahead of time because EVERY time we do, the traffic kills our ability to actually activate them items as kind folks refresh their browser over and over and we can’t get in even with our updated server. And that is no fun. SO we say “AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW!” and that is that. Anarchy for some, joy for some. Balance.

ALSO in the usual manner as it relates to our happenings here at, once the operations are in action, please and hereby be officially notified:

• We ship orders as quickly as is reasonable to our other schedules that are ongoing. Formally we say 7-21 days for orders to leave our main base of operations so just relax. If you can’t do the time, don’t order the crime.

• We are an artist who occasionally ship prints, NOT a mail order company who occasionally makes art. Dig the diff.

THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR INTEREST, of course. Relax. Take off your shoes. Maybe leave them on until you get home. Ok, fine.

Stay Tuned to the Mailing List. Our first message will be this here message.


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Monster Drawing Rally PDX 2019

Monster Drawing Rally V

PORTLAND ART MUSEUM , July 12, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm FREE to attend!

Peep the Deets here!

There we are riiiiiiiight there. Proof. Evidence? Alibi.

The Museum’s popular Monster Drawing Rally returns for a fifth year (2019) of drawing under the summer stars! MDR is a drawing event and fundraiser featuring nearly 100 Portland-based artists. Part performance, part laboratory, part art bazaar, the Monster Drawing Rally is an incredible opportunity to watch some of your favorite Portland artists create original drawings from a blank page.

The event begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. in the Museum’s courtyard with a one hour Young Artists drawing round specifically showcasing local artists 17 and under, and is followed by three one-hour rounds that each feature approximately 25 different artists drawing simultaneously.

As drawings are completed, they are immediately made available for a flat price of $35 each. If more than one person wants to purchase a particular work, the winner will be determined by drawing straws.

Proceeds support free school and youth programs at the Museum.

Bring the Family!

Stop by the L’il Drawing Rally an area where kids and families are encouraged to sit down and draw.

We am in the 8 pm – 9 pm Drawing Round, the final of the evening. The Headliner Slot, we are going to pretend and not the Janitorial Slot, like all of you are imaging. Imagination is a good thing. BUT we will be there early and from the beginning to the end to soak up the pan dripping and baste in the flavorful offerings to better spice our collective living. Come by and “hang”, as the “kids” are “saying”.

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Dirty Heads anniversary Special

In cooperation with the Dirty Heads we are offering a little something something (as all of the kids are saying these days). The info will be primarily spread through the Dirty Heads Organization’s Information Dissemination Apparatus and if you are reading this, that means it all worked! Congratulations.

SO it’s simple. We have a small package that contains: ONE of our DIRTY HEADS CONEY ISLAND, and ONE of our DIRTY HEADS DALLAS prints, both signed and doodled AND our ORIGINAL FIRST DRAFT SKETCH of our CONEY ISLAND ART (approx 4 x 8 inches in pencil and marker on paper), also SIGNED.

HERE is the LISTING for this SET

We are going to do a SET PRICE for the package at a nicely affordable $80.00 (plus shipping) for everything with ALL of the PROCEEDS going to THE HUMANE SOCIETY (our local Portland, OR chapter) where we adopted our two worthless lazy freeloading box-pooping roommates, Harold and The Other One.

The PRODUCT LINK will go LIVE around NOON on TUESDAY, West Coasty Time, available to the first interested customer.

If you enjoy things, we hope you enjoy this.
