Well sorry about that fiasco. The second that we started to activate our posters in our store the traffic froze the whole thing up solid. We couldn’t make an email annoucement about posters that we couldn’t post, and barely managed to activate the two regular edition prints. Thankfully it made a pair and that is a weird blessing.
We don’t know how any customers actually managed to check out. We couldn’t get inside the site at all from the back end or the front end so thanks for everyone who bravely succeeded. And also thanks to all the people who wrote nasty notes and the ones who wrote really nice ones cuz there was both and we thank everyone for being passionate. Doug.
ClintonReno.com, the actual maestro of this whole experience, poised to post his posters just like ours wasn’t even able to post his before the experience overwhelmed his site too, so…tune into ClintonReno.com for an announcements and also a fresh batch of prints just waiting for your greasy hot dog juice fingers.
Clinton’s site is still down. SO kick back and stretch your sack and give it room to relax back into shape and between the three of us, grooves will form, dig? Dig.
But give him a break and let his site relax before you stomp it to death again.
SOrry for the heartbreak but DAMN what a messed up day and also a great day.