Hey. What’s up, man. Cool. Cool. So anyway…
We are done with almost all of our 2018 works. It feels good. It has been a long year with Ups and Sidwayses and Inverted Zero G loops but it has all worked out most alright. Thanks for all of the interest and attention and patronage. Thanks for everyone who send really nice feedback to us regarding service and operations and all of that. It’s really appreciated to hear that our Business is done well. No complaints that we know of. Lots of nice stuff said. Thanks. We do try to be…reasonable.
The Final Two Projects are definitely of interest to some folks and there they are:
NINE INCH NAILS • Los Angeles • Hollywood Palladium • December 12, 2018:
We will have to have you wait to see it, but it’s done and ready for the folks at the show. There are a week’s worth of shows in LA at the Palladium and we are but a bit of the action. Stay Tooned.
MY MORNING JACKET • Portland, OR • Nov 5, 2005 • Aladdin Theatre • Modern Retro RePrint Edition:
The Jacket Folk asked us to provide the arts for a reprint edition of a print for the Holliday Season, and we could only think of one image that people have asked for again and again over the several many years, The Portland Aladdin Theatre print. A very early part of our long working and fan fulfilled relationship with The Jackets.
Reborn in modern inks with modern methods, these prints won’t be confused with their much sought after First Editions, but serve very well as a new and available addition to collections. We hope you like them. Availability can be checked HERE!