Good morning! Just a note to say Happy New Year and Thanks for all of the support over the last…interesting…year. Let’s hope the interesting things about THIS year are not the interesting things about last year.
Stay tuned for some new works in new directions in the coming months.
In the meantime we have precious few STANDOs left from our first round of editions as well as CALENDARS (Perpetual in nature and good ANY year, EVERY year, and suitable for purchase at any time). Poster are also dwindling, which is a good thing, and they can always use your aid in dispersal hither and thither.
We are trying to package and process some of our Archival Stock into Sets to facilitate them away from us and closer towards you with the goal of bettering all of our lives.
As usual IF there is something that you are looking for that isn’t “Perl Jahm” (we don’t have any) please do write and ask about it. We are usually happy to replay in as timely a fashion as is possible and we don’t even mind reminders.
Thanks again as always and, again, Happy New Year!